bring me to your NEXT local, regional or national meeting
THe #1 probelm in every contracting industry has been, is and always will be finding and keeping great technicians. I’ve given talks to audiences numbering between 5 and 500 contractors. Each talk is customized for the specific industry i’m addressing. I’ll work tirelessly with your organization while crafting my presentation to ensure your members leave with strategies they can deploy in their companies immediately.
custom talks for your organization!
It all begins with grabbing the attention of the best talent in the area, and that starts with building an organization they would consider working for. I'll dive into topics including how to create an Employee Magnet™ company, writing ads that grab eyeballs and why the best talent in your area isn't looking for a different job...and how to change that.
Red flags aren't just for dating sites. They're for screening and selecting prospective employees, too. Your members don't have one minute to waste interviewing candidates that don't fit their companies. Topics include pre-qualifying applicants, interview techniques specific to your industry and successful onboarding practices.
There's nothing more frustrating than sinking time, energy and money into an employee, then watching them quit. Team member retention is the most critical element affecting the bottom-line for contractors. My Employee Magnet™ talk covers how to build a retention plan that nails the back door closed before another talented employee slips out.